You can watch the example in Taris Sith Base. After my current KOTOR 1 game of course.2. It is a hard way to do it and not really clear but I think I may just try it sometime. I'm not sure the count is the same for each game though so your sum may be different than someone elses. If you try it this way and are successful please post your answer here. So basically what you do is add each droids final transmission and then use the sum as the count you will enter the security console. Here is a list of binary numbers, in case you need to do it the hard way:Īlso check the Utility Droid and receive the "shut down" program. If you ask me, it's too much trouble and you are better off simply fighting your way past the turrets at #5, which is one of two places you'd want to use the program. You must then keep a current count, meaning the total of the final transmissions you've seen, and enter it into this console in order to get the "overload" program. If you fail to do this, in order to get the optional "overload" program, you will need to defeat Goto Guard Droids, witness their final transmission binary code, which has three bits labeled something like: ZERO ONE ONE (which is 3). Using a character with the computer skill, slice into the console and download the "overload" program. I'll quote the step you are asking about too.

Eventually every one will be available to you so you can access each ship system to complete the level. You can still explore the ship and get the passcodes from different spots. It is in binary form and you must enter it into the termial to gain access to certain functions.

They are the round ones you encounter every so often. I think the count you are referring to is given by one of th esecurity droids when you kill them.