Standard outposts usually cost between 300-400 influence for more resources, or extra beds. Mostly, you’ll want to save up influence to spend on outposts. You’ll need them to upgrade the Command Center. Look for someone with computer knowledge. 3 Command Center: Whenever you unlock a friendly / allied Enclave, talk to the survivors and select “Learn more” to see their stats. Influence is earned by helping your community, or helping other enclaves in the area. You start with two outpost slots, and can upgrade your command center for more slots later. Outposts require two things an open outpost slot, and influence. Check all the rooms (black squares on your map) and kill any zombies, then interact with the lantern in the center. To create an outpost, you need to clear an area of zombies. Most outposts will provide a resource bonus to your base - +1 food, medical supplies, materials, ammo, or gas. Outposts are external, permanent safe zones you can establish in State of Decay 2. State of Decay 2: Sheriff Legacy Goal Walkthrough | Endings GuideĮverything You Need To Know About Outposts | Power, Water, Artillery & More.State of Decay 2: How To Kill Juggernauts (Without Dying) | Easy Freaks Guide.State of Decay 2: How To Manage & Improve Your Community | Base Happiness Guide.State of Decay 2: How To Unlock Artillery Strikes | Best Radio Command Guide.State of Decay 2: How To Earn More Influence Faster | Best Farming Methods.State of Decay 2: Here’s The Best Way To Destroy Plague Hearts | Combat Strategy Guide.State of Decay 2: How To Cure (Or Delay) The Blood Plague | Infection Treatment Guide.

State of Decay 2: Move Items From Your Vehicle Straight To Base Inventory | Looting Guide.State of Decay 2: Beginner’s Guide | Tips To Help You Survive The Zombie Apocalypse.State of Decay 2: 16 Advanced Tips To Help You Beat The Campaign Fast | Easy Completion Guide.More State of Decay 2 guides on Gameranx: & amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp lt br /& amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp gt & amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp lt br /& amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp gt Here, I’m going to explain everything you need to know about outposts why they’re useful, which ones to get, and what they can do to make your community much, much happier. You can provide extra services to your community with outposts, get more beds, or even spend tons of influence to get the best outposts in the game. There are lots of different improved abilities you can unlock with outposts alone. Early on, it feels like outposts are only useful for extra resources, like in State of Decay 1. Once you start up your first community, you’ll be able to establish up to two outposts - eventually, you’ll be able to get four. Outposts are your home away from home in State of Decay 2.